I have been encouraged over the years by the writings of ordinary people, like me, who have something to share about Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour: I would like this little corner of my blog to be on a similar theme and I've shared with you some of the things I've experienced in my own Christian walk or that has blessed me This is just a short testimony -
My mam and dad used to send me to Sunday School when I was about 12. It was a little Gospel Mission that was held in a local school hall and there seemed to be hundreds of children attending each week. The Sunday school teachers used to do a bible drill - we held our bibles to our side and said 'sheath swords, draw swords' and then held them in the air. We were given a bible verse to find and the first one who did so was given a sweet (I did at one time wonder if that was the only reason we went but I don't think it was - I think as youngsters we were just hungry to hear stories about Jesus). One week I found the verse first, got the sweet and to this day can still remember the verse "Thy word have I hid in mine heart that I might not sin against thee".
My mam and dad used to send me to Sunday School when I was about 12. It was a little Gospel Mission that was held in a local school hall and there seemed to be hundreds of children attending each week. The Sunday school teachers used to do a bible drill - we held our bibles to our side and said 'sheath swords, draw swords' and then held them in the air. We were given a bible verse to find and the first one who did so was given a sweet (I did at one time wonder if that was the only reason we went but I don't think it was - I think as youngsters we were just hungry to hear stories about Jesus). One week I found the verse first, got the sweet and to this day can still remember the verse "Thy word have I hid in mine heart that I might not sin against thee".
I also listened to one of the Sunday school teachers telling us that Jesus was standing outside the door of our hearts and knocking. He wouldn't force his way in but wanted us to open the door. You know something, I gave my heart to Jesus that day. (Rev. 3:20).
I can't remember if I was different but I do know I said the Lord's prayer everynight, the 2 bible verses I knew and then asked the Lord to look after my family. This became a tradition and I never faltered in the way I prayed over the coming years.
A lot of time has passed since then, I married, had a child, moved house several times and the Lord has never once let go of my hand, even though I've let him down so many times along the way.
From that first asking of Jesus into my heart he slowly guided me until the day I fully realised my need of him and committed my life to him in a real way and became 'born again'. I was baptized at the age of 35 and am still today trying to walk in my Saviours footsteps. I get it wrong a lot of the time but He is so faithful, he never condemns me just lovingly picks me up and puts me back on my feet and shows me where I need to be.
My son is a Christian as is my daughter in law and they try to bring their 3 children up in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
The years have not been easy at times but Jesus said I am with you always even unto the end of the world ' and 'I will never leave you nor forsake you' and I have hung onto these versesover the years.
I cannot imagine a life without my Lord and Saviour and I would say to anyone who does not know him, he truly is the only one who will never leave you. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, put your trust and faith in him and he will be with you always ...